Thursday 4 August 2016


I sometimes wonder, when we were in the womb of our mothers, did we also worry then?
God, will my mother have an easy birth? Will the elder sibling feel jealous and left out? Will my granny be happy that a female child is born? There can be numerous questions worrying that small head of  a baby girl, but we have no means to know.
What we do know is that ever since her birth, in  all her various roles as a daughter, sister, girl friend, wife  mother, a woman has a habit of worrying. No, not for herself  but mainly for others. For all the people she holds dear.
Of course there are always exceptions to the rule, but here we are discussing the general disposition of a woman. An ordinary woman like you and me.  A woman with a worrying mind, a sensitive heart and a beautiful soul.

Worry  they say, robs today of its joy. Worrying they say, is like sitting on a rocking chair which gives you something to do but doesn't get you anywhere. But tell me, who doesn't like sitting on a rocking chair? Knowing very well that it won't lead us anywhere, we still rock ourselves. Don't we? 
So is the case with worry. Of course it's an ideal situation if you don't worry at all. If you are always positive and brimming with self confidence. With not even the slightest hint of a dark cloud hovering on the horizon. Then I would say you are very lucky. More power to you. I wish I was like you. But I am not and so are many woman out there who are constantly worrying about one thing or the other.

To them I say...Go ahead woman, worry. Worry for that exam next day,  worry what to wear for the party next week, worry about the weight you have gained around your middle, worry for your husband's increment that you so are so eagerly waiting for, worry for that promotion you so deserve, worry for your sons project at school,  worry about your pet that you left behind on vacation, worry whether your maid will turn up tomorrow when you have guests for dinner......worry for all this and more!!!

Worry your pretty head, if you may. But while worrying, just remember one sentence. The one sentence that gives me faith to carry one, the one sentence that puts everything in the right perspective the one sentence that negates all the worrying and is the essence of it all..


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